As usual Xavier was veri excited dat he slept for oni awhile during his nap & wake up say can't sleep & kept asking mi can go alidy.
Reached there abt 6pm, the buffet like normal lei quite disappointed lor, & the food like half gone alidy not much left, i was thinking oh no like not enough likedat coz my mum & sis not yet reach & oso hubby will be there late.
Ya, btw the buffet is frm Neo Garden, i was like AGAIN coz Peishan BB full mth oso frm there but the food abit different.
Baby Gladys was veri sticky 2 mi throughout, others carried her she will cry out loud but when she's safetly in my arms she will automatically STOP, my relative all laughted majiam she can SMELL me likedat.
Saw Nana & told her about the food then she told mi not 2 worry coz 7.30pm still got 2nd round of buffet & i was like ISZIT????? She said i SCARED ar, i juz smile back!!! :)
Indeed the 2nd round of buffet was better then the 1st coz got SUSHI & ECLAIR (luckily i'm among the 1st few coz by the tym i eat the sushi like a few pieces left & oso the eclair- my all-time favourite). The WASABI PRAWN was oso nice althought i don't like WASABI coz itz CHOKING but this is different lor coz the wasabi not so strong the smell.
Saw alot of relatives dat day, including my 2nd uncle side (he passed away alidy) coz they stay quite far frm us & oso CNY oso no chance 2 bump into them.
The kidz oso veri funny, kept wanting 2 play wif Baby Gladys even when she's sleeping, touch her here & there coz i don't 1 her wake up so soon so dat i can eat mai!!!!
Heard the kidz talk i like 1 2 laught likedat coz they talk wat they 1 got afew incidents veri funny between Xavier & my cousin kidz (2 brother, my big uncle 2nd daughter).
Xavier: Korkor your Ben 10 where you buy 1?
Korkor: Seiyu, Bugis ( asking the maid where)
Xavier: Ooooh Bugis
Xavier: Can buy 4 mi???
Korkor: (smiling) U ask dat aunty standing near the door lah ( pointing 2 his maid), she got alot of money 1, can buy 4 you.
Maid: (smiling) I where got alot of money!!!!!
Korkor: Seiyu, Bugis ( asking the maid where)
Xavier: Ooooh Bugis
Xavier: Can buy 4 mi???
Korkor: (smiling) U ask dat aunty standing near the door lah ( pointing 2 his maid), she got alot of money 1, can buy 4 you.
Maid: (smiling) I where got alot of money!!!!!
There's oso 1 incident between him & his brother & Xavier.
Xavier: Korkor is dat your brother
Korkor: No, he's not my brother
Didi: give him wtf look say YA i'm his brother.
Korkor: No, he's not my brother
Didi: give him wtf look say YA i'm his brother.
Funny rite????? I was beside them all the tym & was laughting inside.
My sis Lee Kiau oso told mi 1 joke that day he bought Xavier they all to the farm mart. She said dat Xavier, Tricia & Germaine 1 go toilet so aunty Jessica bought them to the toilet, think Xavier is the last 1 to sssssh sssssssh (urine).
Xavier: Ok aunty, now your turn 2 ssssh sssssh.
Aunty :hmmmmmmm.................... (like how can she sssssh sssssh in front of them).
Aunty :hmmmmmmm.................... (like how can she sssssh sssssh in front of them).
My sis said my BIL Danial got a good laugh dat day. Itz reali JOKE OF THE DAY LOR!!!!
Oni managed 2 talk 2 Nana 4 awhile coz i was accompanying Baby Gladys inside the AIR CON ROOM coz she's sleeping, wow luckily got air con coz outside was like hot air.
Went home ard 8.30pm, drive my sis Lee Kiau they all home 1st, aftermath HOME SWEET HOME. Hubby casually told mi my BIL Danial scratched his side mirror car & i was like anything you don't come & complaint 2 mi, you tell him straight. FULL STOP!!!!!. Ya mai, i mean itz your car & you agreed 2 let him borrow so anything you buaysong tell him yourself hor don't come & complaint 2 mi say then how, asked him 2 pay iszit, coz it cost a few hundred bucks juz 4 the mirror, & he lend them oso for my sake!! KNN FULL STOP.
Some photo dat i took:

The BIGGEST SURPRISE, they even bought another couple ring 4 them!!!! Hmmmmm i was wondering whether next tym will my kidz celebrate 4 us anot!!!! Will the be as filial as my cousin etc etc............
Hubby & i ROM on 14 Feb (ya Valentine Day) 2000, year of the MILLENNIUM so veri easy 2 remember our Anniversary coz 2010 means our 10 Years Anniversary etc etc.......(duno we can stay 4ever anot????)
Btw hubby birthday is around the corner, this coming Thursday. Thought of getting him a new wallet coz his present 1 the zip come out alidy, but due to not enuff $$ CAN ANYBODY RECOMMEND ME ANY NICE & REASONABLE PRICE WALLET!!!! Many thx in advance!!!! (maybe brands like CK, RENOMA, PIERRE CAIRDIN,OP,OR ANYTHING NICE, ps tag mi).
ps> hubby bought the Xavier & Tricia 2 pray, Baby Gladys was sitting on my leap while typing the entry, bye
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