Ltr he bought the kidz to a Thai temple in Bedok 2 pray, come back told mi he will be going out later wif his frenz 4 awhile (talk cock oni), so i called mum saying i will be going over 2 her house 4 dinner 2nite coz initially told her won't be going 4 dinner.
Reached mum place ard 6.15pm she still haven't cooked yet coz normally by dat tym she alidy cooked liao, say juz now iron clothes 4 my brother datz why!!!
Hubby called said he will be coming ard 8plus coz his frenz order alot of food say he will eat abit oni go mum house he will eat somemore, in the end tink he eat alot coz he said veri FULL oni drink soup, (i forced him 2 eat the vege but he oso eat abit oni).
I was like wow piangz, juz now called should tell mi he's not coming 2 eat mai, still dared 2 bluff mi say coming 2 eat later, my dad 1 2 finished all the vege 1 but mum STOPPED him coz he thought nobody eating, i gave him a shit face & kept nagging at him but he DARED not talked back coz he noe he's the 1 at FAULT mai!!! :)~ evil rite!!!! wahahahaha!!!! ( i always like 2 take the opportunity 2 scold him until he LL).~grin.

Yup, TODAY i'm OFFICIALLY introducing solid 2 Baby Gladys!!!!! Bought the Si Shen Brown Rice (last tym Xavier & Tricia oso eat the same coz my sis Sabrina intro 2 mi 1).
Actually on & off i will let her have a taste of whatever i'm eating if i tink itz soft enuff, or even some of Tricia porridge, but she always used her tongue 2 stick it out so i tink she like not ready yet!!!
Juz recently, i observed dat she like 2 suck her thumb in her mouth EVERYTIME like hungry likedat coz everytime she 1 milk, she will put her thumb in so i tink she's now READY 4 solid!!

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