As usual, whenever i bought Baby Gladys out, she's sure to draw ATTENTION to the people around her, at the bus-stop got an uncle & aunty kept saying how cute & chubby Baby Gladys is, & mi as usual, will smile back politely at them as gesture.
Went 2 Peishan house yesterday, was surprised 2 see Xiujing there coz Peishan is buying a policy 4 Baby Kayden frm her. (wow dey reali dote on their lil prince, oni full mth alidy start planning 4 him alidy, so fortunate Baby Kayden).
So far Hubby & i have not yet buy any policy 4 the kidz (tink oni Tricia we bought the medisave 4 her & Baby Gladys auto will have 2 buy her the policy 1). Told hubby 2 buy policies 4 them he always told mi he alone working veri siong lei, where got xtra $$$$$$$$$ buy! :( told mi next yr go work so can help him share some burden & oso save $$$$$$$$$$ 4 the kidz)! Haiz~
Back 2 Peishan house, the moment i went in saw her dad & he asked mi boi or gal, (funny, dressed Baby Gladys up all in pink still got put headband 4 her yet he still asked mi boi or gal, same goes 2 her mum)!!! faint~
Anyway, managed 2 snap 2 photo of Baby Kayden while he's sleeping! He reali looked like Caishun lor, & his hair oso power lor! Cute cute baby.
Tink Peishan mum veri xcited & happi coz itz her 1st grandson mai, kept on looking & saying things at Baby Kayden.
Luckily after i arrived, Meiling, Eileen & Mario came, followed by Huiling & hubby.( long tym never see them liao). Came 2 noe Xiujing is getting married next mth.
Baby Gladys had a great tym there coz got 3 NANNY OF THE DAY namely Caishun Xingxing & Mario take turns 2 play & carry her!!! :) Fyi, i noticed dat she seemed 2 like guys 2 carry her my mum carry she cry but she will let my bro carry her, same goes, Huiling carry her she oso cry but when her hubby carry, she allowed him 2 carry & same goes 2 Caishun & Maria.(wow so young likedat alidy dunno grow up how????)faint~
ps: Thx 2 all the 3 Nanny of the Day 4 helping mi take care of Baby Gladys dat i got tym 2 chat wif the rest & update wif them abit, oso thx 2 Xiujing for lonpang mi back home!!!

Reached mum house abt 3pm, mum said they juz came back oso. (she, my dad & sis Weiwei went 2 my bro new house).
Xavier & Tricia still not back yet, called my sis said they will be late coz of their late lunch, she told mi Tricia dare 2 carry the dog while the rest of the kidz dared not,(yeah she's reali veri daring, everything oso not scared 1). Mum said next tym she sure noe how 2 drive car 1!!! lolx. Next year go school i oso no need 2 scared about her being bully, maybe itz the other way round she bully people kena complaint by the teacher!!! :)
Xavier & Tricia still not back yet, called my sis said they will be late coz of their late lunch, she told mi Tricia dare 2 carry the dog while the rest of the kidz dared not,(yeah she's reali veri daring, everything oso not scared 1). Mum said next tym she sure noe how 2 drive car 1!!! lolx. Next year go school i oso no need 2 scared about her being bully, maybe itz the other way round she bully people kena complaint by the teacher!!! :)
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