Morning went 2 fetched my mum & Xavier (my sis Irene oso tagged along) 2 the old market coz itz going 2 demolished soon & my bro said everything is selling cheaply so went there 2 have a look.
We reali bought alot of things lor, especially my mum, she said she spend about $100 over there & hubby oso said he spend about $50 over there alone.
Hubby went 2 buy breakfast while we shop 1st. My bro is standing juz in front of mi but i didn't realized until he called mi, i was busy looking around mai!!!
We bought alot of things in 1 shop coz buy alidy, see see look look den saw something den we buy somemore ~faint rite.
The uncle in the shop is nicer compared 2 the aunty, my mum asked the aunty how much the bolster she said $7.00 & both of us tink 2 exp so i secretly asked the uncle and the uncle said $5.00 sell mi & of coz i buy lor. hees
Aftermath send mum back & we oso had our breakfast there before going 2 the Thai temple 2 pray & going to Fil house.
Went to Jurong Point shop 1st b4 going 2 Fil house coz still early, initially they said 3.00pm must reached but hubby 2nd bro daughter got HFMD disease so can't go. Initially he said he's going & i told hubby huh wat if he oso got HFMD how, we got 3 kidz lei den later he called said not going.~ phew
Long tym never go JP liao coz itz veri far lor, imagine frm Hougang 2 Jurong itz like frm 1 end to the other so whenever we go & visit Fil, we will go IMM shop shop coz seldom we will go Jurong side & shop lor.
JP oso not much thing 2 shop, hubby bought a pair of slippers while i bought a dress & a necklace 4 Tricia frm Pepper Plus, den we went to foodcourt 2 grab something coz hubby was hungry.
I ordered a Mango Sunrise & it was yummy, on top even got a mango flavoured ice-cream, juz enjoying my dessert Baby Gladys poo so have 2 go to the nursary room (duno why nowadays she poo the shit always goes behind 1 & sme tym like overflown).
I got 2 walked TWICE to the nursary coz i bought my bag along but hubby took out the wet tissues so have to walk back AGAIN, scolded him 4 not reminding mi, luckily short distant oni if not i will surely KPKB 2 him. lolx
1st tym went 2 JP nursary, i don't like it coz there's no doors so not much privacy lor & outside itz like quite noisy. Put Baby Gladys down on the changing bed (duno watz dat call), wow if she slightly longer abit cannot liao coz the length not long enough 4 her, but 1 thing good is that it got a hot water dispenser veri convenient, tink oni JP got bai duno other place have anot.
Hubby frenz came 2 find him & they talked 4 awhile coz he's meeting another frenz 4 his ANDY LAU concert ticket. (I OSO WANNA GO, ANY KIND SOUL AROUND WANNA SPONSOR MI!!!!
Hubby oso saw somebody whome he doesn't reali wished 2 see but veri "qiao" they came down the escalator & we r there so talked abit lor.
Aftermath went 2 Fil place, no 1 there yet so we juz slacked around.
Before going back hubby went 2 have his car manually washed. The kidz was veri excited whenever hubby sent his car 2 wash coz they will sit inside & the water will splashed onto the windows & the foam covering the windows (they reali get excited over those things lor), Baby Gladys oso was startled by the water splashing onto the car & kept on looking around.(she's now veri curious about her surrounding or she's being more & more kaypo).
Pictures taken at the market:

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