New Developments Now:
able 2 open up her arms 1 mi 2 carry
able 2 call "MaMa" (happy, happy) :P
able 2 understand the word "NO" eg. when she tried 2 put things inside her mouth
able 2 turn or move 2 the direction she 1
feeding her solid food alidy
able 2 feel we r angry wif her or scold her she will "bi zuai"
able 2 lift up her head high like doing push up
loves 2 kick her legs vigorously wen she's happy or excited
able 2 call "MaMa" (happy, happy) :P
able 2 understand the word "NO" eg. when she tried 2 put things inside her mouth
able 2 turn or move 2 the direction she 1
feeding her solid food alidy
able 2 feel we r angry wif her or scold her she will "bi zuai"
able 2 lift up her head high like doing push up
loves 2 kick her legs vigorously wen she's happy or excited
Wow times really flies, Baby Gladys alidy 7mth liao, in another 5 more mth she will be turning 1!!!
Yup, this morning (in the middle of the nite), about 4.30am she's making some noise, so i attend 2 her, touch her head like hot likedat so check her temperature, OMG 38.4 degree, kena fever, luckily i got fever medicine so quickly feed her, put cooling gel on her head & sponge her chest wif towel. This morning test her like ok liao but still got 2 monitor, THEN Tricia got slight fever so feed her the fever medicine.
Duno why these few mth i like veri weak likedat coz keep falling sick, hubby oso say mi either stomach pain, stomach flu, cought, flu, fever etc etc.................!!! ~haiz.
Last tym i not likedat lei, seldom get sick lor not even fever! Yesterday i like not feeling veri well but oso duno watz wrong wif mi, after my nap wake up test my temperature see got fever anot wow lao 38.4 degree quickly find panadol 2 eat!!!
Duno why i'm getting weaker & weaker nowadays, sick oso take veri long 2 recover, something must be wrong wif mi somewhere!!!!!!
Hubby last nite came back frm work like not happy likedat, asked him why he said kena "MARKED" by his foreman so maybe will be earning less $$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!! ~sian liao!!!
Duno 1 asked hubby whether he 1 the wallet anot coz i intend 2 give him a SURPRISE, but if asked him his 1st reaction will be the same like mi, Eeeeeeeeee majiam "UNCLE" brand (Goldlion), somemore he will say you're oso using my money 2 buy 1 mai!!!!!!! KNN!!! :(
Backache oso these few days, near my shoulder coz i'm always using sarong 2 carry Baby Gladys & itz like carrying a 10kg rice (or even heavier), i don't like 2 use pram coz i find it "maifan" coz i have 2 go down the stairs 2 the lift & oso i got phobia using the escalator!!! (last tym Xavier kena fall frm his pram while i'm going up the escalator, so i now scared alidy).
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