Monday, September 29, 2008
Morning went 2 get medicine 4 Tricia, went over 2 my uncle shop he said my mum & Ah gou came juz now, go temple pray will be coming back later, so i stayed there wait 4 my mum. Dad is not there so i passed the milk bottle 2 my mum.(everytime i forgot 2 bring Xavier bottle; tink memory failing alidy).
My uncle shop reali alot of stuff cleared alidy coz in a month tym he's going to close down his shop, tink he's veri sad, & SKP will be in history soon!! (my dad took back alot of stuff frm my uncle shop!!!) lolx~ treat them as precious!!
Found out something last Saturday, why must he lie 2 mi say itz Ah Siong who called, coz late alidy he got meg asked him who he said sometime missed called so will sent meg 2 his hp. But i alidy noe who it is but i pretend pretend ask him oni, Grace meg say Grace meg lah, lie 2 mi 4 wat!!!! KNN :(
My uncle shop reali alot of stuff cleared alidy coz in a month tym he's going to close down his shop, tink he's veri sad, & SKP will be in history soon!! (my dad took back alot of stuff frm my uncle shop!!!) lolx~ treat them as precious!!
Found out something last Saturday, why must he lie 2 mi say itz Ah Siong who called, coz late alidy he got meg asked him who he said sometime missed called so will sent meg 2 his hp. But i alidy noe who it is but i pretend pretend ask him oni, Grace meg say Grace meg lah, lie 2 mi 4 wat!!!! KNN :(
Last nite went mum place 4 dinner, mum told mi this coming Saturday my 1st uncle is having buffett at his house inviting all the relative, asked watz the occassion mum says itz 2 celebrate their 50 anniversary. Wow duno my uncle so romantic lei, joking tell my mum when itz my mum & dad 50 anniversary we oso go restaurant & celebrate within our family. Lolx.(oso duno whether hubby & i get 2 celebrate our 50 anniversary anot?)
Tricia having fever, morning ok lei but after her nap woke up got fever 38.7, duno wat happened 2 her but she still so active.
Watched F1 race at home, my bro so good got 2 watch live datz Friday, his company sponsor 1. Hubby reali disappointed wif the Ferrari coz it didn't came up top 3 NOT EVEN top 10.
Tricia having fever, morning ok lei but after her nap woke up got fever 38.7, duno wat happened 2 her but she still so active.
Watched F1 race at home, my bro so good got 2 watch live datz Friday, his company sponsor 1. Hubby reali disappointed wif the Ferrari coz it didn't came up top 3 NOT EVEN top 10.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Nothing 2 blog about, some video of Xavier singing!!!
Xavier Saying the S'pore Pledge
Xavier Singing Ben 10 Song
Xavier Singing Happi Raindrops (tink itz the song title in Chinese)
Xavier Saying Marikita
Xavier Singing PCF School Song
Can be FUTURE SUPERSTAR sia!!!!!!!!!! *-* Still a long way lah!!!!!!! wahahaha
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yesterday while bathing 4 Xavier in mum house, he told me something & this is our conversation:
Xavier : Mummy, i want 2 go home, i don't 1 stay mahmah house coz choon yiyi (my sis Fiona) everyday scold mi!!!
Me : Iszit?????
Xavier : Ya, yesterday she oso scold mi!!!! ( whispering 2 mi )
Me : Wat happened??? (normal voice)
Xavier : Sssssssh not so loud, later choon yiyi hear outside!!! (majian veri scare of her lidat)
Me : Aiya she's not outside lah
See he so scared of my sis Fiona dat i told him anything you must tell mahmah ok!! Told my mum she oso laugh said he lor everything oso don't dare to tell her & not everyday my sis scold him lah!!
Of coz i oso 1 to bring Xavier home everyday but ........................ haiz!!! Thinking of going back 2 work next yr so can provide better things 4 the kidz, hubby has oso been telling mi 2 go & work earn more money!!!!!!!
Xavier : Mummy, i want 2 go home, i don't 1 stay mahmah house coz choon yiyi (my sis Fiona) everyday scold mi!!!
Xavier : Ya, yesterday she oso scold mi!!!! ( whispering 2 mi )
Me : Wat happened??? (normal voice)
Xavier : Sssssssh not so loud, later choon yiyi hear outside!!! (majian veri scare of her lidat)
Me : Aiya she's not outside lah
See he so scared of my sis Fiona dat i told him anything you must tell mahmah ok!! Told my mum she oso laugh said he lor everything oso don't dare to tell her & not everyday my sis scold him lah!!
Of coz i oso 1 to bring Xavier home everyday but ........................ haiz!!! Thinking of going back 2 work next yr so can provide better things 4 the kidz, hubby has oso been telling mi 2 go & work earn more money!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 24 September, 2008
Went mum house in the morning, don't intend 2 go coz rainy & my mum called oso so i told her won't be going den later my sis Lee Kiau MSN mi asked whether i'm going coz she bought some clothers 4 Baby Gladys & oso the rain has stopped so in the end go lor!!!
Luckily going reached mum house den got a few drops of rain so i asked Tricia 2 walk quickly, downstair saw my sis & Germaine so "qiao". Mum oso surprised 2 see us come 2gether coz she never expected us.
Hubby came 4 dinner, aftermath he, Xavier & Tricia went 2 have their hair cut & it's super CHEAP, oni $3.80 per person coz opening promotion 4 3mths although Xavier & Tricia hair not veri long but since it's so cheap so go & trim trim abit lor!!! :)
As 4 mi, i & Baby Gladys went to Carrefour warehouse sales in Serangoon North Ave 4 wif my sis Lee Kiau, BIL & his brother coz his brother drive us there.
Really regreted going coz the place there quite dusty & the moment i stepped there i don't like coz NO AIR-CON oni a few fans blowing & inside it's like sauna although not dat crowded but by the time we left more & more people.
There oso not much things, all the things are like veri old & 1 round u can walk finished liao!!!
Never take any photo coz i was carrying Baby Gladys wif 1 hand & the other i was fanning her, reali can't tahan the hotness!!!
My BIL Danial even commented that the frozen pizza oso not cold, eat alidy duno will kena poison anot.
There's 1 aunty said Baby Gladys veri cute & she "majian" like 1 to touch her face but i quickly "siam" abit so in the end she never touch her, coz i scared duno her hands clean anot coz the things there like veri dusty & i scared her hands dirty go & touch Baby Gladys duno she will have pimples anot or worse kena any type of virus, i oso tried not to use my hands touch her coz i oso scared my hands dirty!
I will NEVER EVER go to Carrefour warehouse sales AGAIN, unless it's held at EXPO if not can forget it!! Reali wasted my tym & have 2 endure the hotness!!! :(
Luckily going reached mum house den got a few drops of rain so i asked Tricia 2 walk quickly, downstair saw my sis & Germaine so "qiao". Mum oso surprised 2 see us come 2gether coz she never expected us.
Hubby came 4 dinner, aftermath he, Xavier & Tricia went 2 have their hair cut & it's super CHEAP, oni $3.80 per person coz opening promotion 4 3mths although Xavier & Tricia hair not veri long but since it's so cheap so go & trim trim abit lor!!! :)
As 4 mi, i & Baby Gladys went to Carrefour warehouse sales in Serangoon North Ave 4 wif my sis Lee Kiau, BIL & his brother coz his brother drive us there.
Really regreted going coz the place there quite dusty & the moment i stepped there i don't like coz NO AIR-CON oni a few fans blowing & inside it's like sauna although not dat crowded but by the time we left more & more people.
There oso not much things, all the things are like veri old & 1 round u can walk finished liao!!!
Never take any photo coz i was carrying Baby Gladys wif 1 hand & the other i was fanning her, reali can't tahan the hotness!!!
My BIL Danial even commented that the frozen pizza oso not cold, eat alidy duno will kena poison anot.
There's 1 aunty said Baby Gladys veri cute & she "majian" like 1 to touch her face but i quickly "siam" abit so in the end she never touch her, coz i scared duno her hands clean anot coz the things there like veri dusty & i scared her hands dirty go & touch Baby Gladys duno she will have pimples anot or worse kena any type of virus, i oso tried not to use my hands touch her coz i oso scared my hands dirty!
I will NEVER EVER go to Carrefour warehouse sales AGAIN, unless it's held at EXPO if not can forget it!! Reali wasted my tym & have 2 endure the hotness!!! :(
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mop the whole house 2day coz Baby Gladys sleeping so i quickly do my housework if not she wake up cannot do liao!! Halfway while mopping, she woke up so i have 2 faster faster mop coz she's crying 1 mi 2 carry her!! Haiz~
Reali BTH Baby Gladys coz put her in the car seat she like 2 wriggle here & there resulting in her falling out frm it, & it's like everytime, so must put seat belt everytime but she doesn't like lei.
Reali BTH Baby Gladys coz put her in the car seat she like 2 wriggle here & there resulting in her falling out frm it, & it's like everytime, so must put seat belt everytime but she doesn't like lei.
Bathing Time
Monday, September 22, 2008
Videos which i took yesterday
Baby Gladys playing wif the straws, see her motor skills so good rite, can pass frm 1 hand 2 the other, make funy face somemore!! My sis Sabrina last Saturday commented dat she noes how 2 make funny faces coz all along i thought she like 1 to cry but itz not, after making the funny faces she will smile back at you!!! Her papa scold her now she noes how to"bizuai" 1 to cry likedat!!!
Tricia trying 2 wash her toys after playing , but she oso scared of the water 1 her papa 2 accompany her
Yesterday bought the kidz go East Coast Park play sand, of coz they enjoy themselves veri much!!! 1st tym bought Baby Gladys there oso.
Hubby use the new KPE all the way link 2 East Coast, quite fast lor coz no traffic light but i noticed dat not many car lei, hubby says weekdays more cars.
Once inside the tunnel Tricia again "wow" coz of the lightening, but the speed is oni 70 km which i think is damn slow lor, hope they will increase the speed to at least 80km or more!!
Aftermath, drove over to Kallang Leisure Park which is newly opened 4 our dinner, oso there not many people lei, not many shop 2 shop think the people went there 4 dinner oni.
Had dinner at Pastamania coz Tricia wanted 2 eat pizza. (yeah hubby won 65 bucks 4D thx 2 Tricia number, althought not much but at least better den nothing).
1st tym had Pastamania, abit "suaku" coz i didn't noe must self service go counter & order the food den they will send it over 2 u, not bad lah the food eatable lor!!
1st tym let Baby Gladys sit on the high chair, abit loose so i tuck my sarong inside oso 2 prevent her frm licking the high chair. At least my hands free 2 eat!!!
Send Xavier to mum place b4 going back, think Xavier will miss us coz he keep saying he doesn't 1 to go but i talk 2 him nicely so he ok lah, i oso feel sad leaving him wif my mum but "buobian" lei, told him will go & see him on Wednesday.
Lotz of photo see till your eyes PoP!! :)

B4 dinner hubby went 2 manual wash his car
Xavier excited over the car washing
coz can sit inside let them wash the car
Finally Dinner @ Pastamania

Loots that we bought at Kallang Leisure Park

My shorts all @ $5 each!! Cheap rite coz closing down sales

Hubby use the new KPE all the way link 2 East Coast, quite fast lor coz no traffic light but i noticed dat not many car lei, hubby says weekdays more cars.
Once inside the tunnel Tricia again "wow" coz of the lightening, but the speed is oni 70 km which i think is damn slow lor, hope they will increase the speed to at least 80km or more!!
Aftermath, drove over to Kallang Leisure Park which is newly opened 4 our dinner, oso there not many people lei, not many shop 2 shop think the people went there 4 dinner oni.
Had dinner at Pastamania coz Tricia wanted 2 eat pizza. (yeah hubby won 65 bucks 4D thx 2 Tricia number, althought not much but at least better den nothing).
1st tym had Pastamania, abit "suaku" coz i didn't noe must self service go counter & order the food den they will send it over 2 u, not bad lah the food eatable lor!!
1st tym let Baby Gladys sit on the high chair, abit loose so i tuck my sarong inside oso 2 prevent her frm licking the high chair. At least my hands free 2 eat!!!
Send Xavier to mum place b4 going back, think Xavier will miss us coz he keep saying he doesn't 1 to go but i talk 2 him nicely so he ok lah, i oso feel sad leaving him wif my mum but "buobian" lei, told him will go & see him on Wednesday.
Lotz of photo see till your eyes PoP!! :)
Photo taken at home b4 going out

On the way to East Coast Park

coz can sit inside let them wash the car
Finally Dinner @ Pastamania

Loots that we bought at Kallang Leisure Park

Hubby polo tee, he bought 1 bermudar oso but he wear 2 work 2day!! Quite reasonable price, the polo tee there oso veri nice, alot of varieties.
Had a hard tym uploading all the photos!!!
Had a hard tym uploading all the photos!!!
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